Wednesday, June 27, 2007

News from Cathy

I have slowly been working on my course I started in New York. Now, I hope I am the one who ends up teaching it!! We are interviewing a prospective new instructor today, and we have not worked on teaching assignments for the coming year until we know for sure what our faculty make-up will be. YIKES! I may just have to put my foot down about this particular course after I put all this work into it!!

For this specific course, I've actually found a website with video clips that work better than the things I've found on YouTube! I am so excited. I was looking at the TV guide on-line the other day to see what types of shows were upcoming on Discovery Health (which our cable company does not have, so I've got to find somewhere I can record them first). When I linked on to the site, I uncovered the most amazing wealth of information and numerous video clips of ALL types of procedures, conditions, etc. It was GREAT! So, presently, I am working through my syllabus and incorporating some of them to the on-line portion of my course, as well as into some PowerPoint presentations for many of our "in-class" sessions. The one other drawback is that I am waiting on a review copy of a different textbook, which if I decide to change, may alter my content a little, but maybe not enough to mess up any of my preliminary BlackBoard work. I feel like a NEW teacher (well, no pun intended, since I have only been doing this a year anyway!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Cathy!
Im a prospective OT student applying this december!! I was wondering if you would look over my personal statement and let me know what you think, and maybe other useful tips on making a good application for myself? Since your at another university i figured it would be ok. Thanks a lot!