Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Expanding my knowledge

Well, this afternoon we've had some interesting examples shared of a variety of online learning programs and specific courses. I have to say I was the most interested in the Blackboard example, since that is what I currently use and am most familiar with. I do not believe that my institution has the same version of Blackboard, so I may not be able to do ALL of the things that the example course did; however, I am quite sure there are many ways I can expand my present use of this tool through some of the information shared by Linda.
Other interesting things I have heard about (and already signed up for or experimented with) include PRIMO, merlot, and FutureMe, so I thank everyone in my class for sharing their knowledge with the rest of us. Maybe after being in the academic field for several more years, I'll have something to share with you!
I never did understand much in Chemistry and would have been among those saying that it was a subject that could not possibly be taught successfully on line, though after seeing the examples with the barometer and the one Minchi shared, being a visual learner myself, I think I might could have understood it better THAT way!! Also, after seeing those, I am convinced there is someone out there who can help me design my "house" for my authentic learning task idea from this morning!! Anybody "game"???


Dr. D said...

I don't have any ideas for you, but the Sensitive Exam Techniques project on the Authentic Design website caught my eye. As anything that helps OB/GYN's be sensitive to the patient in the stirrups would.

Muhjah said...

Hey Cathy,
Looks like you are getting off to a great start! I hope you are also getting out and enjoying some parts of the Big Apple. I look forward to hearing about your visit to the exhibit "the Body." Tell me what is PRIMO, merlot and FutureMe? If it's too much work to explain don't bother.
On-line education is a very valuable tool. It took me about a year to fully appreciate it; like many people I had some preconceived notions that engendered some resistance on my part. I believed that I needed to be in the same room with my professor and co-learners in order to learn but I think differently now. There is diffinitely a learning curve involved and students need sometime to develop the capacity, though todays generation is far more prepared than ours, huh! I've not developed a blog but certainly would love to learn too.
All is well here Cathy. See ya on Monday.
